
This study introduces a novel design methodology for automating the process of developing a regolith habitation shell for a Mars surface crewed mission. The methodology utilizes generative design tools, Social Network Analysis (SNA), and the Label Propagation Approach (LPA), which is a graph-based semi-supervised machine learning algorithm used for detecting communities in network structures. In order to accomplish the research objective, the surface environmental conditions on Mars are taken into account and quantified as structural loads. These loads are then transformed into design variables within the proposed design methodology.

The paper presents a methodology that consists of three main steps. Firstly, the determination of habitation typology is achieved through the utilization of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA). Secondly, the generation of plans and forms is accomplished by employing space syntax, physics simulations, and generative design tools. Lastly, the regolith habitation shell is generated by utilizing structural simulation methods that incorporate Mars' environmental forces as design parameters. Three different habitation shell alternatives have been developed, and structural simulations have been carried out to analyze the impact of environmental stresses on Mars. The implementation of the outlined design methodology provides a comprehensive explanation of each design step, with a specific focus on the effects of extreme conditions on the regolith habitation shell situated on Mars' environment.

Space institutions place humans in analog environments that closely match the target environment, such as the Moon or Mars, to study space habitation. Seven Mars analog missions consisting of habitation units with published designs were selected for analysis using graph data science methodologies to provide insight into how their designers solved the challenge of living in an isolated, constrained, and distant environment.

Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Label Propagation Approach (LPA) are utilized to examine the relationships between adjacent functional areas of habitations. The paper presents the final documentation that will be used as a design framework to generate layouts for a habitation project.

The research project illustrates how performance-driven design tools can be conducted as an architectural design methodology that suggests an innovative approach to design a habitation shell in extreme environmental conditions without human assistance. This research study attempts to use environmental data revealed by NASA and its habitat design requirements to develop a conceptual design for an innovative habitation form and then simulate it with Mars conditions to analyze the habitation shell's structural behavior according to finite element analysis. In this regard, research phases, including layout configuration, form-finding, and structural analysis, have been conducted to explore a habitation concept implemented with generative design tools as a decision-maker in extreme conditions. In conclusion, two generated typologies of proposed habitation forms will be compared in terms of their structural performance under extreme loads of the martian environment. Within this research project, due to the numerous extreme challenges of design and construction of habitation in extreme conditions using conventional approaches, a performance-driven design methodology will provide a rational and sustainable design methodology to tackle extreme barriers to Mars's environment. More »
The research paper explores a methodological approach for designing a habitation concept that does not need human assistance to be designed and built under extreme conditions when people cannot protect comfort conditions and cannot send project resources to the construction site.

The methodological approach considers climate change on a global or local scale environment because some environments are 'extreme' for the survival of their natural ecosystems; instances include enormously common unfavorable climatic events such as extreme colds, severe droughts, or storms. Another point is also important to realize that global climate change is causing particular, extreme ecosystems to become common.

Note. For more information on climate change and its consequences with future projections, see Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2018)[1].

The work develops on contemporary research about comprehensive design approaches related to Earth's future and the current uninhabitable ecological locations. This research study uses annual weather data of extreme locations for human survival to develop a conceptual design of innovative habitation form and then simulate it with possible in-situ materials from literature review to analyze habitation's structural and environmental behavior under extreme temperature differences between interior and exterior atmosphere. Using insitu material is essential to construct autonomously designed habitation by using additive construction technologies. In this regard, research phases including layout configuration, form-finding, a structural and environmental analysis aim to explore a habitation concept implemented with generative design tools as a decision-maker in extreme conditions.

Within this research project, due to the numerous extreme challenges of the design of habitation in extreme conditions by using conventional approaches, a performance-driven design methodology is done to provide a rational and sustainable design methodology to tackle extreme environmental barriers of the future. More »

Magazine: Masterpiece

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